Kareem Irfan
President, Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago, Chicago, NY
- Eid Celebrations in the Age of Bliss
- Night of Qadr Prayer
- The Meaning and Importance of the Night of Qadr
- When is the Night of Qadr (Night of Decree)?
- A Night Better Than a Thousand Months: Laylat al-Qadr
- Events That Occurred During Ramadan:The Last15 Days of Ramadan
- Events That Occurred During Ramadan:The Last15 Days of Ramadan
- The Suhur Practices of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
- The Role and Importance of i’tikaf in the Life of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)
- The Importance of Ramadan in the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Life
Advisory Board

Dr. Aras Konjhodzic
President, Federation of Balkan American Organizations

Jihad Turk
President, Bayan Claremont, Claremont, CA

Imam Mohammed Ibrahim Ibn Ahmed
Chaplain, Bergen County Sheriff’s Offices, South Hackensack, NJ

Dr. Seyma Arslan
L’Oreal Research & Innovation Laboratories , New York, NY

Imam Abdul Hai Patel
Director of Interfaith Relations. Understanding Islam Academy, Toronto, ON

Imam Wahy-Ud Deen Shareef
Masjid Waarith ud Deen, Newark, NJ

Yücel Men
Publishing Editor, Writer, Cairo, Egypt

Imam Muhammad Abuelezz
Kitchener Masjid, Kitchener, ON
Dr. Abdullah Enes
Writer, Editor, Sweden
Dr. Selim Koç
Academician, Writer, Cairo, Egypt