Believer (Mu’min), Kind-Hearted, and Thrifty
A Believer Has a Kind Hearted
“A believer loves and is loved by everyone, gets along with everyone, and is loved and
understood by others. There is no good in a believer who does not behave this way. The best
of people is the one who benefits others the most.’’1
“There is also a hadith that says: ‘I do not know of any other good (thing) that warms up instantly like being in the company of a believer.’”2
The key word in the hadith that describes the attribute of a believer is “ulfah.” Ulfah encompasses meanings such as getting accustomed, being friendly, loving, fostering friendships and companionship. It can be understood that the realization of this depends somewhat on human nature and temperament. Not everyone may instantly connect with others, but this hadith sets a goal for believers, emphasizing that a true believer should strive to get along with everyone, love everyone, and make themselves beloved by others. This suggests that this situation is left to our willpower.
As Ibn Khaldun said, “Man is not the child of his temperament and nature, but the child of his habits and inclinations.” Therefore, believers, if they wish, can solve this issue left to their willpower—even if it requires a bit of effort.
Yes, a true believer should be a person of love and tolerance to the extent that they can even establish friendships with difficult people. Indeed, God (may He be glorified and exalted) instructed Prophet Moses (Peace be upon him) to approach Pharaoh with gentle words and a soft demeanor when he went to him—even though Pharaoh, who claimed to be a God and didn’t hesitate to kill many people, was he not? This illustrates the importance of using gentle speech, behavior, and approach even towards the most challenging individuals.
A true believer cannot be repulsive, closed-minded, contrary, and cold. Islam does not consider such a person as the ideal believer. While they may possess faith, they lack the manifestations of faith. Throughout his life, we see that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) approached everyone with tolerance and engaged in dialogue with people from all walks of life. The biographical literature about him is filled with hundreds of examples of this. On a state level, we see the Medina Charter; on a societal level, opening his mosque to the Christians of Najran; on an individual level, playfully covering the eyes of a slave from behind and joking with him, or engaging in banter with a child, like Enes. These instances serve as examples of his warmth in human relations, like drops in an ocean.
The phrase at the end of the hadith, “The best of people is the one who benefits others the most,” clearly demonstrates the universality of Islam and how it is a mercy to all humanity. Human beings, as the noblest creation of God, are meant to serve others, a condition that certainly deserves applause. By setting such a beautiful goal before humanity in this hadith, it encourages everyone to pursue goodness, creating a virtuous and fertile circle of goodness, kindness, and beauty. For example, a person may not be naturally likable due to their temperament or nature, but they can earn the love of others by being beneficial to them.
Hadiths Related to A Believer Has a Kind Hearted
There are other hadiths that contain goals we should strive for:
“Certainly, a believer gains reward in removing any harmful thing from the path, guiding someone on the road, explaining a word (or description) to someone, giving someone from his provision (food) during a journey, and even in wiping away a dry spot on his garment with his hand, he gains reward.”3
“A believer is beneficial in every way. He brings benefits to people in all aspects. If you walk with him, he benefits you. If you consult with him on a matter, he gives you beneficial advice. If you enter into a partnership with him, he is a good partner, and you benefit from him. In short, everything he does is beneficial.”4
“A believer is like a seller of perfume; when you sit with him, you benefit from his pleasant fragrance, and when you walk with him, you also benefit…”5
“A believer is like a date palm tree, everything you take from him benefits you.”6
“The condition of a believer is like that of a bee; when it eats, it consumes what is pure (the essence of the flower). Its excretion is also pure (honey). Even if it lands on a rotten branch, it does not break it or cause harm. The condition of a believer is also like that of a piece of gold; when you heat it, blow on it, and polish it, it immediately shines. When weighed, it does not lose any of its weight.”7
Selcuk Camcı
Selçuk Camcı is a graduate of Theology in 1992. He completed his master’s degree in the Department of Hadith, and is currently a doctoral student in Islamic Law. Camcı has worked as an editor for religious publications, including the New Hope Magazine. He also received training in Chaplaincy (spiritual guidance) in the United States.
1.Ahmed b. Hanbal, Musnad, 2/400; 5/335.
2.Ali al-Muttaqi, Kanzu’l-Ummal, 1/146
3.Ali al-Muttaqi, Kanzu’l-Ummal, 1/157.
4.Ali al-Muttaqi, Kanzu’l-Ummal, 1/143.
5.Ali al-Muttaqi, Kanzu’l-Ummal, 1/147.
6.Ali al-Muttaqi, Kanzu’l-Ummal, 1/147.
7.Munawi, Faydh al-Qadir, 5/655-656.