Siyar Principles of Prophetic Education (9): “Instill Responsibility!” As social beings, humans hold various responsibilities toward themselves, their surroundings, and ultimately, the!-->…
Articles Pearls from the Qur’an (20) Luqman Wisdom Granted to Luqman 31.12. We surely granted wisdom to Luqman, and said: “Give thanks to God. “!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Sunnah The Principles of Prophetic Education (8): “Speak Beautifully!” One of the principles of prophetic education is to speak beautifully. A crucial aspect of instruction and!-->…
Articles The Believer Knows Both Patience and Gratitude “I marvel at the believer’s situation. Indeed, all of their affairs are good. This is a state that no one else!-->…
Sunnah The Principles of Prophetic Education (7): “Value Them!” One of the fundamental principles of prophetic education is the principle of “valuing” the person being addressed.!-->…
Articles Pearls from the Qur’an (19) David David and Solomon Given Knowledge We granted David and Solomon (special) knowledge. Both used to thank and!-->!-->!-->…
Sunnah The Principles of Prophetic Education (6): “Inspire Love, Do Not Cause Hatred!” One of the fundamental principles of Prophetic education is the principle of “Inspire love, do not cause hatred.”!-->…
Articles A Believer is Generous “There are two traits that cannot coexist in a believer: stinginess and bad character.”1 One of the most!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Sunnah The Principles of Prophetic Education (5): “Instill Love and Compassion!” In the perspective of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) towards life and existence, love and!-->…
Articles The Believer Resists the Desires of the Self "Indeed, a true believer tires out their devils—just as you exhaust your camels during a journey—by resisting the!-->…