Pearls from the Qur’an (19) David

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David and Solomon Given Knowledge

We granted David and Solomon (special) knowledge. Both used to thank and praise God, saying: “All praise and gratitude are for God, Who has favored us more than many of His believing servants.” Solomon succeeded David. He would say (citing in gratitude God’s favors to him): “O people! We have been taught the language of birds, and we have been granted (some portion) of everything (which God provides for His servants). Surely this is a conspicuous favor.” (an-Naml 27:15-16)

Mountains and Birds Subdued for David

We made Solomon understand the case more clearly. We granted each of them sound, wise judgment and knowledge (pertaining to the mission, and in accordance with the time and conditions of each). And We subdued the mountains, as well as birds, to glorify Us along with David. It is We Who do all these things. (al-Anbiya 21:79)

David Taught to Make Coats-of-Mail

And We taught him the art of making iron coats-of-mail, so that these might fortify you from the violence of war. So, are you (really people who are) thankful? (al-Anbiya 21:80)

Gifts Upon David

We subdued the mountains to glorify (their Lord) along with him, in the afternoon and bright morning. And the birds assembled: all were turned to Him (in devotion and glorification). We strengthened his kingdom, and granted him wisdom and decisive speech (to inform, and convince, and lead). (Saad 38:18-20)

David’s Justice

Now, has the report of the litigants come to you, when they climbed over the wall into the royal chamber? When they entered in upon David, and so he was taken aback by them. They said: “Do not be alarmed! (We are) two litigating parties: one party trespassed against the right of the other. So judge between us with truth; do not be unjust; and guide us to the level path.” (One of them explained the case): “This is my brother: he has ninety-nine ewes, and I have but one. Then he said, ‘Make it over to me,’ and he overpowered me in (force of) speech. “ (Saad 38:21-23)

David Appreciates his Son Solomon’s Ruling

(Among those whom We made leaders were) David and Solomon. The two were once judging a case regarding a field into which the sheep of some other people had strayed at night. We were watching and witnessing their judgment. (al-Anbiya 21:78)


The Wind in Solomon’s Service

And in Solomon’s service, We put the stormy wind, running at his command to carry him to the land in which We have produced blessings (for people). We have full knowledge of everything (with their true nature and all their aspects). (al-Anbiya 21:81)

Solomon’s Army of Jinn, Men, and Birds

One day his hosts of jinn, and of men, and of birds were assembled before Solomon (upon his command), and were led forth under full control. (an-Naml 27:17)

Solomon and the Story of the Ant

Until, when they reached a valley of ants, one of the ants said: “O you ants! Get into your dwellings lest Solomon and his army crush you unawares.” (an-Naml 27:18)

Solomon’s Prayer

Smiling at her words (in humble contentment with God’s favors to him), he said: “My Lord! Inspire and guide me so that I may thank You for Your favor which You have bestowed on me and on my parents, and so that I may act righteously in a manner that will please You; and include me (out of Your mercy) among Your righteous servants.” (an-Naml 27:19)

Solomon and the Hoopoe

(On another occasion,) he inspected the birds and said: “How is it that I cannot see the hoopoe? Or is he among the absentees? “I will certainly inflict a severe punishment on him, or maybe even kill him, unless he comes to me with a convincing reason (for his absence).” Before long, the hoopoe came up and said: “I have obtained (some important information) which you do not have, and have come to you from Sheba with reliable news.” (an-Naml 27:20-22)

People of Sheba Worshiping the Sun

“I found there a woman ruling over them, one who has been granted everything (that a ruler is expected to have), and who has a mighty throne. However, I found her and her people prostrating to the sun rather than God. Satan has decked out their deeds to be appealing to them, and thus has barred them from the (unique straight) way, so they are not rightly guided.” (an-Naml 27:23-24)

Solomon’s Letter to the Queen of Sheba

27.27. (Solomon) said: “We will see whether you are speaking the truth or are one of the liars.

27.28. “Go with this letter of mine, and drop it to them; then draw back from them and see how they will deal with it among themselves, and return. “

27.29. She (the Queen, when the letter reached her) said: “O you nobles! See, an honorable letter has been cast to me.

27.30. “It is from Solomon, and it is: ‘In the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate.

27.31. ‘Do not act towards me in defiance, but come to me in submission.’

27.32. “O you nobles! Let me have your counsel in this matter. (You know well that) I never conclude a decision on a matter unless you are present with me.”

27.33. They said: “We dispose great power and we dispose great daring but the decision is yours, so consider what you will command.”

27.34. She said: “When kings enter a country, they cause destruction and corruption in it, and make the noble (ones of its inhabitants) abased. This is what they really do.

27.35. “Now I will send them a present and see with what (answer) the envoys return.”

27.36. When he (the envoy with the present) came to Solomon, he (Solomon) said: “Do you mean to help me with wealth? What God has granted me (of Prophethood, kingdom, and wealth) is much more and better than all that He has given you. It is only (people such as) you who would rejoice in this gift of yours.

27.37. “Go back to them (who sent you, and inform them that, if they do not come to us in submission), we will certainly come upon them with hosts which they have no power to resist. We will assuredly drive them from there in disgrace, and they will be humbled.”

Bringing the Throne of the Queen

27.38. (The Queen, having received his message, decided to visit Solomon (at his home). Knowing of her journey,) Solomon said (to his council): “O you nobles! Who among you can bring me her throne before they come to me in submission?”

27.39. One strong and cunning among the jinn said: “I can bring it to you before you rise from your council. Surely I have the strength and skill to do so and I am trustworthy.”

27.40. And one who had some knowledge of the Book said: “I can bring it to you in the twinkling of your eye. “When Solomon saw the throne set in his presence, he said: “This is out of the pure grace of my Lord that He may try me whether I give thanks or act with ingratitude. Whoever gives thanks, gives thanks only for (the good of) his own soul; and whoever acts with ingratitude (let him be aware that) my Lord is surely All-Wealthy and Self-Sufficient, All-Munificent.”

27.41. He said: “Disguise her throne, and let us see whether she is able to find guidance or remains one of those who are not guided.”

27.42. When she (the Queen) arrived, she was asked: “Is your throne like this?” She said: “It is as if it were the same. We were given knowledge (about the magnificence of Solomon’s rule and his extraordinary power) before all this (we have seen here), and we have already decided to submit.”

The Queen Submits to God

27.43. That she had been worshipping other than God kept her back (from the Straight Path); for she belonged to a disbelieving people.

27.44. It was said (to her): “Enter the palace. “ When she saw it, she thought it was a pool of water and bared her calves (in order to hold her robes above the water). He (Solomon) said: “This is a palace paved with crystal. “ (Having now concluded that Solomon must truly be a Prophet,) she said: “My Lord, surely I have wronged myself (by worshipping false deities). But now I submit myself, in Solomon’s company, to God, the Lord of the worlds. “

God’s Favors Upon David

34.10. Assuredly, We graced David with a great favor from Us: “O mountains! Sing the praises of God with him, and likewise you birds!” And We also made iron supple for him:

34.11. (So that he was enabled to obey the command) “Make long coats-of-mail (to cover more of the body), and order with care the sequence (of actions in the process)”. And (O family and followers of David,) do good, righteous deeds. Surely I see very well all that you do. “

God’s Favors Upon Solomon

34.12. And to Solomon, We (subjugated) the wind: its morning course covered the distance of a month’s journey (at normal pace), and its evening course, a month’s journey. And We caused molten copper to flow for him (like a fountain). Among the jinn were some who, by the leave of his Lord, worked under him. Whoever of them swerved away from Our command (by disobeying him), We would make him taste the punishment of a fiery blaze.

34.13. They made for him whatever he wished sanctuaries, and figures (of inanimate objects), and carvings, as well as basins like ponds and boilers built into the ground. “Work, O family of David, in thankfulness to Me!” Few are the truly thankful among My servants.

The Jinn and Others do not Notice Solomon’s Death

34.14. Then, when We executed Our decree for his death, nothing showed them (the jinn who had been laboring at the tasks he assigned to them) that he was dead, except that a crawling creature of the earth had been gnawing away his staff (until it broke). Then, when he fell to the ground, it became clear to the jinn that if they had known the Unseen, they would not have continued in the tormenting toil that humiliated them.

God’s Favors Upon Solomon

38.35. He prayed: “My Lord, forgive me, and bestow on me a kingdom which will not suit anyone after me. Surely You are the All-Bestowing. “

38.36. We (accepted his prayer and) subdued the wind to his service, so that it coursed gently by his command wherever he willed;

38.37. And of the satans (devils), (We made subservient to him) every builder (on earth) and diver (to extract precious stones from the sea);

38.38. And others (of the rebellious jinn) linked together in fetters.

38.39. “This is Our gift, so either bestow (from it), or withhold (from it), without reckoning (that it may diminish or that you will be held to account for it).

38.40. Surely he enjoyed nearness to Us and an excellent place of final return.

The Righteous Ones Defeating the Corrupt Ones (The Example of David)

2.250. And when they went forth against Goliath and his forces, they prayed: “Our Lord, pour out upon us steadfastness, and set our feet firm, and help us to victory over the disbelieving people.”

2.251. So they routed them by God’s leave, and David killed Goliath, and God granted him kingdom and Wisdom, and taught him of that which He willed. Were it not that God repelled people, some by means of others, the earth would surely be corrupted; but God is gracious for all the worlds.

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