Articles The Messenger of God’s Struggle Against Slavery Struggle Against Slavery in Islam The era, geography, and culture into which the Messenger of God (peace and!-->!-->!-->…
Articles A Believer Is Involved in Life (Patience) Hadits On Patience “A believer who mixes with people and endures their troubles is better than a believer!-->!-->!-->…
Articles The Messenger of God (ﷺ) and the Struggle for Animal Rights Animal Rights in İslam One of the most vital principles, perhaps the foremost, at the core of the understanding!-->!-->!-->…
Articles The Messenger of God( pbuh ) and Beauty ’ The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, ‘God is beautiful and loves beauty. This is not!-->!-->…
Articles Pearls from the Qur’an (5) Allegiance to the Prophet Those who swear allegiance to you (O Messenger), swear allegiance to God only. God’s!-->!-->!-->…
Articles Neglected Sunnahs: “Simplicity” Simplicity In today’s world, the frenzy of consumption has surpassed both simplicity and human values,!-->!-->!-->…
Articles Pearls from the Quran (4) The Prophet to Wait Patiently and Worship So wait patiently for your Lord's judgment, for you are under Our!-->!-->!-->…
Uncategorized A Believer Eats and Drinks Little “A believer eats with one stomach, whereas an unbeliever eats with seven stomachs.” 1 Similarly, there is another!-->!-->…
Articles Every State of the Believer is Good ‘‘Every state of the believer is good. Even if a soul dear to them passes away before their very eyes, they still!-->!-->…
Ramadan The Meaning and Importance of the Night of Qadr The meaning of the Night of Qadr is “Night of Decree.” It refers to the night when the decisive matters decreed by!-->…