Mecca Days The Protection of Uncle Abu Talib and the Damascus Trip When Abu Muttalib passed away, Abu Talib took his nephew Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, to his side!-->…
Mecca Days The Protection of Grandfather Abdul Muttalib The death of Amina and the orphaned state of our beloved Prophet had grieved Abdul Muttalib just as everybody!-->…
Companions Abu Bakr’s Sensitivity in the Cave Abu Bakr, may God be pleased with him, wanted to be the first to enter the cave. He wanted to extinguish whatever!-->…
Companions The Companion of the Messenger of God in the Migration: Abu Bakr One of the verses that the Truthful Gabriel had brought was continuously on Prophet Muhammad's (pbuh) lips, at!-->…
Medina Days The Sadness of the Separated Tree Trunk The Masjid an-Nabawi had been built completely and the Friday Prayers were being performed here. In order to read!-->…
Migration The Permission for Hijra from Mekka to Medina and Important Advice from the… The Messenger of Allah spoke of a dream he had and said the following: “I saw myself leaving Mecca and going to a!-->…
Mecca Days The Death of Amina For a while, the beloved Messenger of Allah lived with his mother. Amina was doing her best not to let little!-->…
Medina Days The Construction of the Masjid an-Nabawi The Muslims were now settled in Medina but there were still many problems to be solved. First of all, they needed!-->…
Mecca Days Years with the Foster Mother, Halima It was the custom in Mecca to send children to wet nurses in the villages so that they may grow up to be strong!-->…
Prayers & Supplications Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) Prayers and Supplications The Messenger always prayed to God before any action. The books of Tradition (hadith) record no case in which he!-->…