Prophetic Medicine Sleeping Positions and their Effect on the Health of Internal Organs Each new product we purchase has a user’s manual. Carefully read and used according to the recommendations, the!-->…
Prayers & Supplications Prayers and Recommendations from the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to those with Heavy Debts The Messenger of Allah ﷺ took refuge in Allah from living in debt and expressed his desire in his prayers to live!-->…
Q&A How did the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) spend his 24 hours? The descendants of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ convey the following information about how he spent his days. The!-->!-->!-->…
Q&A Which Surahs Did the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Recite in Prayers? Although there are no specific surahs for Prayers, there are surahs that the Messenger of God recited more!-->…
Articles Muhammad the Trustworthy ﷺ on Race and Racism By Fatih Harpci, PhD For Muslims, the Qur’an is the very Word of God which speaks to not only Muslims!-->!-->!-->…
Prayers & Supplications Prayer for Entering a House and the Sunnah of Greeting Praying and greeting the household while entering the house is a Sunnah for Muslims. Abu Malik (may God be!-->!-->!-->…
Prayers & Supplications Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) Prayers and Supplications The Messenger always prayed to God before any action. The books of Tradition (hadith) record no case in which he!-->…
Prophetic Medicine Honey as a Healer Our beloved prophet Muhammed (ﷺ) says: “The one who consumes honey three days in every month won’t get hit by any…
Companions The Ties of Brotherhood: The Muhajirun & Ansar Once the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, had arrived in Medina safe and sound, many provisions!-->…
Sunnah A Sunnah of the Messenger of God (ﷺ): Fasting during Shawwal The month of Shawwal is the month after Ramadan in which the first three days are celebrated as Eid al-Fitr. The!-->…