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Every State of the Believer is Good

‘‘Every state of the believer is good. Even if a soul dear to them passes away before their very eyes, they still praise God (may His glory be exalted).’’1 Believer is Always Good One day, a dying granddaughter is brought

Pearls from the Qur’an (1)

Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Quran Many verses in the Qur’an mention God’s Messenger. These verses highlight the Prophet’s role as a Messenger from God, the last Prophet, the universal Prophet, as a mercy to the worlds, and in reference

A Believer Has a Pure Hearted

“A believer is pure-hearted, generous. A wicked person, however, is deceitful, base.”1 “A believer, even if deceived, never contemplates deceiving and always displays their own character regardless of the circumstances; whereas a wicked