Sunnah Principles of Prophetic Education (15): “See the Beauty, Think Positively!” One of the fundamental principles of Prophetic education is always to see the positive side of people and!-->…
Sunnah The Principles of Prophetic Education (14): “Repel Evil with Good!” One of the fundamental principles of prophetic education is the principle of “repelling evil with good.”The most!-->…
Sunnah The Principles of Prophetic Education (13): “Do Good!” One of the fundamental principles of Prophetic education is the principle of doing good to others. Education is!-->…
Chronology Rajab Month Diary Jumada al-Akhir (Last Week) Drought in Medina (9th Year) The Activities of Abu Amir al-Fasiq Seeking Refuge!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Articles Pearls from the Qur’an (21) The Story of the People of the Cave 18.9. Or do you reckon the People of the Cave and the Inscription as!-->!-->!-->…
Siyar Principles of Prophetic Education (12): “Be Just!” One of the fundamental principles of prophetic education is the principle of justice. Justice is the most!-->…
Articles A Believer Controls Their Tongue “A believer neither criticizes, curses, speaks in an obscene or vulgar manner, nor behaves indecently.” 1 Let’s!-->!-->!-->…
Siyar Principles of Prophetic Education (11): “Don’t Call Out Mistakes!” One of the common mishandlings in education and teaching is confronting someone with their mistakes directly and!-->…
Siyar The Principles of Prophetic Education (10): “Do Not Shout!” In the educational process, many parents, unable to handle the challenges they face, resort to shouting at their!-->…
Articles The Believer is Conscious of the Purpose of Their Creation “A believer is more honored by God than some of His angels.”1 In a similar vein, a Qudsi Hadith states, “My!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…