“A Believers in God Are Strong Both Materially and Spiritually”

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A strong believer

A strong believer, in terms of physical health, is more beneficial and beloved in the sight of God than a weak believer, but there is goodness in both. Strive for what benefits you, seek help from God, and do not be helpless.

If something happens, do not say, ‘If only I had done this, it would have been like that.’ Instead, say, ‘This is God’s decree, He does as He wills.’ Because the word ‘if only’ makes it easier for the devil.”1

The intended meaning of being strong in the hadith is to be physically robust and to possess the strength of faith to overcome all kinds of challenges, including difficulties that require courage and resilience, such as warfare.

“Those who wish to be pleasing to God should have both heart health along with physical health and soul health along with bodily health. It is evident that the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) is not saying, ‘You will become weak, adopt asceticism, and break your physical strength to be acceptable to God.’ Rather, he emphasizes the reality against monasticism, asceticism, and priesthood, highlighting the importance of natural and inherent qualities.

He directs us towards understanding issues within the framework of nature and encourages us to channel ourselves in that direction.”2

Encouraging strength and directing those who are strong towards goodness, while also stating that “there is good in each” without excluding the weak, beautifully expresses that the weak can also be good and capable of doing good. After filtering through the lens of their own belief system, a believer selects goals that will be beneficial and strive with all their might for these beneficial things.

They persistently and determinedly make efforts. In this path, their greatest helper is God, and they pray, supplicate, and ask from Him without ceasing. They never forget that “God provides sustenance to His believing servant from sources he could never imagine.”3

As long as the servant adheres to piety and believes in the verse, “Whoever fears God – He will make for him a way out,” they trust in God’s help and guidance.4

a believers in god are strong-if only

The words “If only, if only”

They shouldn’t show weakness in matters where they are capable. If an obstacle arises on the path to success and things don’t go as planned, they should not succumb to a feeling of defeat. Instead of blaming themselves and those around them with statements like “If only I had done it this way,” they should say “it is the divine decree,” try again, and if it still doesn’t work, they should explore other opportunities. In any case, they should avoid blaming both themselves and others.

The words “If only, if only” are like playing cards given to the devil to attack. With these “if only” expressions, the devil easily infiltrates the person’s inner self and takes advantage of their vulnerabilities, drawing them into a sense of guilt. It is at this point that we see how crucial the belief in fate is for believers.

At the same time, belief in fate is a psychological treatment that preserves the mental health of masses and comes to the aid of countries in difficult situations. In essence, believers view past events from the perspective of fate and future events from the perspective of their will.

Selçuk Camcı

Selçuk Camcı is a graduate of the Faculty of Theology in 1992, with a focus on the Hadith Department. He completed his master’s degree in the Department of Hadith and is currently a doctoral student in Islamic Law. Camcı has worked as an editor for various religious publications, including the Yeni Ümit magazine. He received training in Chaplaincy (spiritual guidance) in the United States.


1.Narrated by Muslim, Destiny, 34; Ibn Majah, Introduction, 10.

2.Infinite Light, 1/388.

3.Ali al-Muttaqi, Kanzu’l-Ummal, 1/144, 167.

4.Talaq, 65/2.

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