Pearls from the Qur’an (17)Moses Goes to the Pharaoh

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Moses Goes to the Pharaoh and His Wishes from God

20.19. (God) said: “Throw it down, O Moses!”

20.20. So he threw it down, and there and then it was a snake, slithering.

20.21. (God) said: “Take hold of it and do not fear! We will return it to its former state.

20.22. “Now, put your (right) hand under your armpit: it will come forth shining white, flawless, as another (miraculous) sign,

20.23. “So that We may show you some of Our greatest miraculous signs.

20.24. “Go to the Pharaoh, for he has indeed rebelled. “

20.25. (Moses) said: “My Lord! Expand for me my breast.

20.26. “Make my task easy for me.

20.27. “Loosen a knot from my tongue (to make my speech more fluent),

20.28. “So that they may understand my speech clearly.

20.29. “And appoint a minister (helper) for me from my family:

20.30. “Aaron, my brother.

20.31. “Confirm my strength with him,

20.32. “And let him share my task;

20.33. “So that we may glorify You much,

20.34. “And mention and remember You abundantly.

20.35. “Surely You are ever seeing and watching us. “

Moses’ Wishes Granted

(God) said: “Your request has already been granted, O Moses. And assuredly We did bestow Our favor upon you at another time before.” (Ta-Ha 20:36–37)

Moses’ Miracle of the Staff, and the Defeat of the Pharaoh

7.113. The sorcerers came to the Pharaoh and said: “We must surely have a reward, if we are the victors. “

7.114. (The Pharaoh) answered: “Yes, and you will indeed be among those near-stationed to me.”

7.115. They (the sorcerers) said: “Moses! Either you throw first or we will be the first to throw!”

7.116. He answered: “Throw!” And when they threw (whatever they held in their hands to make spells), they cast a spell upon the people’s eyes (i. e. overawed and deluded them), and produced a mighty sorcery.

7.117. We revealed to Moses: “Throw down your staff!” And behold! It swallowed up their false devices.

7.118. Thus was the truth made victorious, and all that they were doing was proved false.

7.119. Thus were they (the Pharaoh and his chiefs) defeated there (in front of everyone’s eyes), and brought low,

7.120. And the sorcerers threw themselves down, prostrating,

7.121. And they said: “We have come to believe in the Lord of the worlds,

7.122. “The Lord of Moses and Aaron. “

7.123. The Pharaoh said: “What! Do you believe in Him before I give you permission? This is indeed a plot you have contrived in the city, that you may drive out its (native) people from it. But you shall come to know!

7.124. “I will certainly have your hands and feet cut off alternately, and then I will certainly have you crucified all together. “

7.125. They responded: “Indeed, to our (true and everlasting) Lord are we bound to return.

7.126. “You take vengeance on us only because we have come to believe in our Lord’s Messages when they came to us. “Our Lord! Pour out upon us persevering patience, and take our souls to You as Muslims (wholly submitted to You)!”

Moses Bringing Sorcery to Nothing

10.79. And the Pharaoh said: “Bring me every learned, skillful sorcerer!”

10.80. When the sorcerers came, Moses said to them: “Throw down what you will throw. “

10.81. When they had thrown (whatever they had in their hands and produced a mighty sorcery), Moses said: “What you have brought is but sorcery. Surely God will bring it to nothing and prove it false. God never validates and sets right the work of those who cause disorder and corruption.

10.82. “And God proves by His decrees the truth to be true and makes it triumph, however hateful this is to the disbelieving criminals. “

Moses and his Brother Going to the Pharaoh

20.41. “And I have attached you to Myself (and so trained you to My service).

20.42. “Go, you and your brother, with My miraculous signs (with which I have provided you), and never slacken in remembrance of Me and reminding (others) of Me.

20.43. “Go, both of you, to the Pharaoh for he has exceedingly rebelled.

20.44. “But speak to him with gentle words, so that he might reflect and be mindful or feel some awe (of me, and behave with humility). “

20.45. They said: “Our Lord, we fear lest he act hastily in regard to us (not allowing us to complete our preaching), or become (more) tyrannical. “

20.46. He said: “Do not fear! Surely I am with you, hearing and seeing.

20.70. And so (it happened, and) the sorcerers were thrown down, prostrate. They proclaimed: “We have come to believe in the Lord of Aaron and Moses!”

20.71. (The Pharaoh) said: “Do you believe in Him before I give you permission? I see that he (Moses) is your master who taught you sorcery! I will surely have your hands and feet cut off alternately, and have you crucified on the trunks of palm-trees, and you will certainly come to know which of us (the Lord of Aaron and Moses or I) is more severe in punishment and (whose punishment is) more lasting!”

20.72. They said: “We will never prefer you above the clear evidence (manifesting the truth) that has come before us, and above Him Who originated us. So decree whatever you decree: you can decree only for the life of this world.

A Believing Man in the Palace of the Pharaoh

(At just that moment) a believing man from among the clan (and Government Board) of the Pharaoh, who until then had concealed his faith, (came forward and) said: “Would you kill a man only because he declares, ‘My Lord is God!’, when he has indeed come to you with clear proofs from your Lord? If he be a liar, then his lie will be (reckoned) against him; but if he is true (in his proclamations), then something of what he threatens you with will befall you. Surely, God does not guide (either to truth or to any achievement) one who (transgressing all bounds) is wasteful (of his God-given faculties), and a liar.

“O my people! You enjoy the dominion today, being uppermost in the land; but who could help us against the punishment of God, should it come to us?” The Pharaoh said (to his people): “I would show you only what I see (as needing to be done), and I guide you only to the right way (to follow).” (al-Mumin 40:28–29)

The Pharaoh said: “O Haman! Build me a lofty tower so that I may attain the ways, the ways of (peering into) the skies, and that I may have a look at the God of Moses, though I surely think that he is a liar.” Thus were his evil deeds decked out to be appealing to the Pharaoh, and he was debarred from the (right) way. And the scheme of the Pharaoh ended in nothing but destruction. And the one who believed said (continuing his warnings): “O my people! Follow me so that I may guide you to the way of right guidance. O my people! The life of this world is but a (passing) enjoyment, while the Hereafter that is indeed the home of permanence. (al-Mumin 40:36–39)

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