Pearls from the Qur’an (18)

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Moses’ Forty Nights With God on Mt. Sinai

And (so that you would be favored with the Torah to order your affairs) We appointed with Moses thirty nights, to which We added ten, so he completed the term of forty nights set by His Lord (for him to spend in devotion). (Before leaving his people in order to come to Our Presence) Moses had said to his brother (Aaron): “Take my place among my people (act to reform them and set things right), and do not follow the way of those who provoke disorder and corruption.” (al-A’raf 7:142)

Moses’ Wish to See God

And when Moses came to Our appointed time, his Lord spoke to him. (Then, in the rapture of nearness to God arising from his being addressed by Him) he said: “My Lord, show me Yourself, so that I may look upon You!” He (God) said: “You cannot see Me (with your eyes in the world). But look at that mountain: if it remains firm in its place, then you will see Me. “ And the moment his Lord manifested His glorious Majesty to the mountain, He made it crumble to dust, and Moses fell down in a faint (as if struck by lightning). When he awoke, he said: “All-Glorified are You (in that You are absolutely above having any defects and any resemblance with the created)! I turn to You in repentance (for my desire to see You), and I am the first of the (true) believers (who realize that You are beyond any resemblance to any creature and beyond the grasp of any creature’s senses). (al-A’raf 7:143)

Moses Choosing Seventy Men

Moses chose of his people seventy men (to represent them) for Our appointment (on the mountain, in order to ask God for forgiveness for the calf-worship of some among them and to renew their covenant with Him). Then, when the shocking catastrophe seized them, Moses said: “My Lord! Had You so willed, You would have destroyed them before, and me (along with them). Will You now destroy us for what the fools among us have done? This is a trial from You whereby You lead whom You will astray, and whom You will guide. You are Our Guardian (to Whom we entrust our affairs and on Whom we rely), so forgive us and have mercy on us! You are the Best in forgiving. Ordain for us good in this world as well as in the Hereafter, for we have turned to You, following Your way.” He (God) said: “My punishment I afflict with it whom I will (and no one can escape it except that I have mercy on him), and My Mercy embraces all things; and so (although in the world every being has a share in My Mercy, in the Hereafter), I will ordain it for those who act in reverence for Me and piety, and pay their Prescribed Purifying Alms, and they are those who truly believe in all of Our Revelations and signs. (al-A’raf 7:155-156)

Children of Israel Crossing the Sea

And We brought the Children of Israel across the sea, and the Pharaoh and his hosts pursued them with vehement insolence and hostility, until (they were overwhelmed by the waters of the sea opened for Moses and his people to cross,) and when the drowning overtook the Pharaoh, he exclaimed: “I have come to believe that there is no deity save Him in whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of the Muslims (those who have submitted themselves wholly to Him).” Now? (You surrender now) when before this you always rebelled and were of those engaged in causing disorder and corruption? So this day (as a recompense for your belief in the state of despair which will be of no avail to you in the Hereafter), We will save only your body, that you may be a sign

for those to come after you. Surely, a good many people among humankind are heedless of Our signs (full of clear warning and lessons). (Yunus 10:90-92)

Moses Splitting the Sea with his Staff

We revealed to Moses: “Set forth with My servants by night, and (when you reach the sea’s edge with the Pharaoh and his army in pursuit) strike for them a dry path with your staff through the sea, and you need have no fear of being overtaken (by Pharaoh) or of drowning in the sea.” (Ta-Ha 20:77)

The Miracle of the Splitting the Sea

We revealed to Moses: “Strike the sea with your staff. “ Thereupon the sea split, and each part became like a towering mountain. (ash-Shu’ara 26:63)

The Pharaoh’s Denial of Moses

Surely We have sent to you (O people) a Messenger, a witness against you (one who will testify in the Hereafter as to your deeds in response to God’s Message), just as We sent a Messenger to the Pharaoh. But the Pharaoh rebelled against the Messenger, and so We seized him with a calamitous grasp. (al-Muzzammil 73:15-16)

Korah’s Exulting in his Wealth

28.76. Qarun (Korah) was one of Moses’ people, but he betrayed and oppressed them. We had granted him such great treasures that their very keys alone were too heavy a burden for a company of strong people. Even his people warned him: “Do not exult in your wealth; surely God does not love those who exult.” (al-Qasas 28:76)


The Prayer of Jonah

And (also mention) Dhu’n-Nun (Jonah). He departed in anger (from his people, who persistently disbelieved and paid no attention to his warnings), and he was certain that We would never straiten (his life for) him. But eventually he called out in the veils of darkness (formed of the belly of the fish, the sea, and dark, rainy night): “There is no deity but You, All-Glorified You are (in that You are absolutely above having any defect). Surely, I have been one of the wrongdoers (who have wronged themselves).” We answered His call, too, and We saved him from distress. Thus do We save the believers. (al-Anbiya 21:87-88)

Jonah Thrown into the Sea

(as-Saffat 37.139) And surely Jonah was one of the Messengers,

37.140. (Remember) when he left like a runaway slave for a ship fully laden;

37.141. And then he (agreed to) cast lots, and he was one of those who lost.

37.142. (They threw him into the sea, and) the big fish swallowed him, while he was accused (by his conscience).

37.143. Had it not been that he was one who always glorified God (declaring Him absolutely above having any defects and partners),

37.144. He would certainly have remained in its belly (serving as his grave) until the Day when all will be raised (from the dead).

37.145. But We caused him to be cast forth on a desert shore, sick as he was;

37.146. And caused a gourd plant to grow over him.

37.147. And We sent him once again to (his people, numbering) a hundred thousand; rather, they tended to increase.

The Story of Jonah

68.49. If there had not reached him grace from his Lord (Who accepted his repentance), he would indeed have been cast forth on the desert shore, being reproached. But his Lord chose him and enabled him to be among the specially chosen, righteous servants. (al-Qalam 68:49–50)

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