Rajab Month Diary
Jumada al-Akhir (Last Week)
- Drought in Medina (9th Year)
- The Activities of Abu Amir al-Fasiq Seeking Refuge with the Byzantines
- Convincing the Byzantines to go to war
- Efforts to keep hostilities alive by the hypocrites and some jews in Medina
- The Construction of the Mosque of Dhirar
- Events Before the Expedition of Tabuk (9th Year)
- The Ghatafan tribe’s encouragement letter sent to Byzantine King Heraclius
- Announcement of the loyalty of the Lahm, Juzam, Amila, and Ghassan Tribes to the Byzantines
- Preparations for an attack on Medina by Ghassan’s King Shurahbil
- Threats to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) from a Group of Jewish People in Medina
- Merchants from the direction of Damascus reporting the arrival of the Byzantine army near Balqa
- Revelation of verses 76 of Surah al-Isra and 28, 29, and 123 of Surah at-Tawbah
- Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) request for preparation against the Byzantines
- Sending envoys to surrounding tribes for preparation
- Sending envoys to Mecca to seek support
Events Occurring in the Month of Rajab (Specific Days or Weeks Not Specified)
- Migration to Abyssinia (5th Year)
- Construction of the Prophet’s Mosque (1st Year of Hijra)
- Marriage of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Fatimah (2nd Year of Hijra)
- Supplication: “O God! Make Rajab and Sha’ban blessed for us and allow us to reach Ramadan!” (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Years of Hijra)
- Zayd ibn Haritha’s Expedition to Wadi al-Qura (6th Year)
- Arrival of the Muzayna Delegation (5th Year)
The First Week of Rajab
- The Fair of Hubaysh for the respected Khadija organized by the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) between the 1st and 9th of Rajab (Before Prophethood).
- The Temporary Lifting of the Boycott (7th, 8th, and 9th Years of Prophethood).
- Restriction of Field by the Meccans who Temporarily Lifted the Boycott (7th, 8th and 9th Years of Prophethood)
- Abu Ubaydah ibn Jarrah’s Expedition to Habat (8th Year), known for eating tree leaves and a stranded whale.
- Preparations for the Battle of Tabuk (9th Year)
- The hypocrites’ inappropriate remarks such as, “Is it appropriate to go to war in this heat? You are not aware of whose allies you are. Don’t test us with the daughters of Banu Asfar!”
- The revelation of relevant verses (38, 39, 41, 42, 49, 81, 82) from Surah At-Tawbah.
- The hypocrites queuing up to present excuses to avoid going to war.
- The denial of permission to the Ghifar tribe who sought permission to abstain from the battle.
- The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) invitation to the Mosque of Dhirar.
- Appeal to the collective conscience and solicitation for contributions.
- The respected Abu Bakr bringing everything from his house.
- The respected Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) bringing half of his wealth.
- Generosity of the respected Uthman around the respected Talha, the respected Abbas, Sa’d ibn Ubadah, and Asim ibn Adiyy
- The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) appreciation for Hazrat Uthman.
- The hypocrites mock not only those who give less but also those who give more, and the revelation of relevant verses.
- The exhibition in the chamber of the respected Aisha and the generosity of women.
- The announcement by Wasil ibn Asqa in the streets of Medina about the need for a mount for someone going to war, and Ka’b ibn Ujrah financing him.
- The crying of those who couldn’t find a mount or weapons.
- The arrival of Ulba ibn Zayd, who had nothing and couldn’t find equipment.
- The public announcement asking, “Who was the one distributing this charity?” and the events after the Fajr prayer, accompanied by the revelation of relevant verses.
- The Arrival of the Kinana Delegation (9th Year).
- The News of the Death of Negus (Najashi) and the Absentee Funeral Prayer in Baki (9th Year).
- Final Warnings Regarding the Expedition to Tabuk.
- Wearing Shoes.
- The respected Abu Bakr being the Commander of the Vanguard, and the Grand Banner being given to him.
- Assigning Muhammad ibn Maslama, Siba ibn Urfuta, and Abdullah ibn Umm Maktum to different tasks in Medina.
- Additionally, leaving the respected Ali in Medina with the duty of managing the affairs of the Prophet’s household, and the hypocrites gossiping about it.
- The Departure of the Army of Jaysh al-Usra from Jabal Zubab (6 Rajab Thursday, 9th Year).
- The Arrival of the Tabuk Army in Betra (6 Rajab Thursday, 9th Year).
- The respected Ali presenting to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) the comments made by the hypocrites about him until they reached Curf, and the Prophet’s compliments to the respected Ali and his return to Medina.
- Ibn Salul and some of his followers turning back on the way, saying, “Muhammad is going to fight against people he cannot overcome due to poverty, heat, and distance! He probably thinks he’s playing a game by fighting with the Romans (Banu Asphar)! I swear, I can almost see his Companions being captured and tied up in the mountains!”
- Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) advice to the owner of a garden in Wadi al-Qura and the estimated yield of the garden.
- The meal offered by the Jews of Wadi al-Qura and its acceptance after paying the due price.
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from Batra to Dhu Husub (7 Rajab Friday, 9th Year).
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from Dhu Husub to Batn Izam (7 Rajab Friday, 9th Year).
The Second Week of Rajab
- The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) return journey from the Hubaysh Fair (Before Prophethood).
- The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) presence in Mecca after the temporary lifting of the boycott (7th, 8th, and 9th Years of Prophethood).
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from Batn Izam to Suwayda (8 Rajab Saturday, 9th Year).
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from Suwayda to Mukarrah (8 Rajab Saturday, 9th Year).
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from Mukarrah to al-Murr (9 Rajab Sunday, 9th Year).
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from al-Murr to Wadi al-Himd (9 Rajab Sunday, 9th Year).
- The Arrival of the Jaysh al-Usra from Wadi al-Himd to Dhu’l-Marwa (10 Rajab Monday, 9th Year).
- The Companions seeking permission to stay overnight, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) leaving the decision about the location to Qaswa, specifying that it should not be in someone else’s crop field.
- The respected Abu Dharr being stranded on the road due to the weakness of his camel.
- The Jaysh al-Usra’s departure from Dhu’l-Marwa to al-Ayn (10 Rajab Monday, 9th Year).
- The respected Abu Dharr’s decision to travel on foot the next day while waiting for his camel to recover.
- Upon hearing about those who did not join the army and stayed behind, the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) instruction, “Leave him alone; if there is any goodness in him, God will surely bring him to you from behind.”
- The Jaysh al-Usra’s journey from al-Ayn to Ruhayba and Umm Shaquq (11 Rajab Tuesday, 9th Year).
- The Jaysh al-Usra in Suqya al-Jazal and Muqayra (12 Rajab Wednesday, 9th Year).
- The Jaysh al-Usra in al-Ula and al-Hijr (13 Rajab Thursday, 9th Year).
- Although the Companions had begun drawing water from the wells, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed them to increase their pace when passing through the remnants of the people of Thamud. He said, ‘Move swiftly through the abandoned remains of those who faced adversity due to their wrongdoing. Reflect on their fate with a sense of admonition and sorrow. Do not use their water, nor perform ablution for prayer here. Furthermore, feed the dough you knead to the camels. This is to ensure that you do not face a similar destiny.
- The arrival of the Prophet Salih’s (peace be upon him) camel to the rock from which it emerged, and the Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) advice: ‘Do not ask for miracles without reason. The people of the Prophet Salih (peace be upon him) also made such a request, and when they received a female camel as a miraculous sign, their behavior changed. God had granted them a she-camel, which would come down this path every day to drink water and then return. However, they could not tolerate this and rebelled against their Lord. They slaughtered the camel, which not only drank water but also provided enough milk for all of them every day. In response, God punished all the people of Thamud under the sky with a severe scream; none remained except for a man who sought refuge in the Sacred Mosque. As for the identity of that man, when asked, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, ‘He was Abu Rigal; however, as soon as he left the Sacred Mosque, the same fate that befell his people befell him. Therefore, do not enter the company of a people who have incurred the divine wrath!’’
- While the Master of Masters was sharing these words, someone among them expressed, ‘How fascinating!’ In response, the Prophet fo Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) asked if he should inform them of something even more fascinating. He continued, ‘Among you is an individual who narrates the events of the past and foretells what will happen to you in the future. Therefore, strive to be upright and do not deviate from what is most correct. After all, if you persist in your desires, God will not hesitate to inflict punishment upon you. God will create a community that will be helpless in the face of the difficulties that may befall them!'”
- The inquiry about Ka’b ibn Malik, who missed the departure of the army, while mentioning “today” and “tomorrow.”
- The Prophet’s (peace and blessings be upon him) announcement of a strong wind to blow during the night.
- The order to set out on the journey without drawing water from the wells.
- The request for prayers from the exhausted Companions, the vocalization of this request by the respected Abu Bakr, and the subsequent rainfall as a result of the Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) supplication.
- The hypocrites attributing the rain to natural causes.
- The observation that the rain only fell on the army when they set out
The Third Week of Rajab
- Determining the Qibla (2nd Year, 15th Rajab)
- After the Temporary Lifting of the Boycott, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) in Mecca (7th, 8th, and 9th Years)
- Jaysh al-Usra departing from Hujr, the lower entrance, and upper exit points of Hudaybiyyah Valley (14th Rajab, Friday, 9th Year)
- Jaysh al-Usra in Dhul-Jifa and Abu Nujaylah (15th Rajab, Saturday, 9th Year)
- Jaysh al-Usra in Naki al-Bala and Jabal Huzar (16th Rajab, Sunday, 9th Year)
- A dispute arose between a man and his slave, leading to the man biting off his slave’s hand, who, in turn, broke his master’s tooth. They both came to the Prophet’s presence and upon witnessing the situation, he exclaimed, “Has one of you bitten his brother like the biting of a camel?” expressing disapproval. He further remarked, “Did he place his hand in your mouth so you bit it off like a camel?” However, the Prophet did not prescribe any compensation.
- Jaysh al-Usra in the lower parts of Akhdar Valley and Zirdab Valley (17th Rajab, Monday, 9th Year)
- Jaysh al-Usra in Saniyyat al-Madran and to the north of Akhdar Valley (18th Rajab, Tuesday, 9th Year)
- “God willing, tomorrow we should reach the location of the Tabuk springs. You will only arrive there by the time of dawn! If any of you reaches there before me, make sure not to drink from those waters!”
- Arrival at Tabuk (19th Rajab, Wednesday, 9th Year)
- Asking the two scouts, “Have you touched the water of the springs?” and becoming upset upon receiving an affirmative answer.
- A miracle at a well with just a little water at the bottom.
- Delivering a lengthy sermon to his Companions.
- Appointing Abbad ibn Bishr for guard duty for security.
- Learning about voluntary guards patrolling at night and saying, “May God treat with mercy those who stand guard in the way of God. For each person or animal under your watch, there is a reward equivalent to a Qirat for you!”
- The arrival of Abu Haytham and Abu Zarr.
- Khalid ibn Walid’s departure from Medina for the Uqdah (Dumat al-Jandal) expedition (22nd Rajab, Saturday, 9th Year).
The Fourth Week of Rajab
- The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was in Mecca after the lifting of the temporary boycott (7th, 8th, and 9th years).
- The Night Journey and Ascension (27th Rajab, 11th Year).
- Nahla Expedition (Last week of the 2nd Year).
- The Prophet Muhammad’s (peace and blessings be upon him) presence in Tabuk (9th Year).
- A Jewish woman offered cheese, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) ate from it. He also shared it with his Companions.
- Abdullah ibn Dhul-Bijadayn passed away, and the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him), deeply saddened, personally lowered him into his grave and prayed: “O God! I was pleased with him during his lifetime; may You also be pleased with him!” the respected Abdullah ibn Mas’ud who witnessed the incident, sighed and said, “I wish I were the one in that grave!”
- The reciprocal exchange of envoys and consultations with the Companions.
- Khalid ibn Walid’s arrival in Ukhaydir (Dumat al-Jandal) on 22nd of Rajab, 9th year.
First Week of Sha’ban.
- The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) at Tabuk (9th Year)
- The arrival at Tabuk of Khalid ibn Walid who was sent to Ukhaydir (Dumat al-Jandal) (7th Sha’ban, Sunday, 9th Year)
Second Week of Sha’ban
- Departure from Tabuk (11 Sha’ban, 9th Year)
Third Week of Sha’ban
Fourth Week of Sha’ban
- Arrival of the Tabuk Army in Medina (24 Sha’ban, 9th Year)