Pearls from the Qur’an (12)
The People Of Noah
The Betrayal Of The Wives Of Noah And Lot
God presents the wife of Noah and the wife of Lot as an example for those who disbelieve. They were married to two of Our righteous servants yet betrayed them (by rejecting the Messages they brought from God and collaborating with the unbelievers). But they (their husbands) availed them nothing against God, and it was said to them: “Enter the Fire with all those who enter it!” (at-Tahrim 66:10)
The Flood
And yet, they (instead of paying heed to Noah’s warning) denied him. And so, We saved him and those who were with him in the Ark, and caused to drown those who denied Our Revelations and signs (of Our Existence and Unity). They were indeed a blind people. (al-A’raf 7:64)
Before them, the people of Noah denied: they denied Our servant, and said: “This is a madman!” and he was rebuked (with insolence and prevented from preaching). So he prayed to his Lord, saying: “I have been overcome, so help me!” So We opened the gates of the sky, with water outpouring; and We caused the earth to gush forth with springs, so the waters (of the sky and the earth) combined for (the fulfillment of) a matter already ordained. And We carried him on a (construction of) wooden planks and nails, running (through the water) under Our Eyes as a reward for one who had (wrongfully) been rejected with ingratitude. And indeed We left it (the Ark) as a sign (of the truth). Then is there any that remembers and takes heed? (al-Qamar 54: 9-15)
So finally when they incurred Our condemnation, We took retribution on them, and We caused them to drown all together. So We made them a thing of the past, and a precedent (in entering the Fire), and an example to later generations. (az-Zukhruf 43:55-56)
God’s Destruction Of Rebellious People
And He creates the pairs, the male and the female, from a drop of (seminal) fluid when it is emitted. And He has taken on Himself the other bringing forth; and He it is Who grants abundant wealth and suffices (all need by His providing). And surely He it is Who is the Lord of Sirius. And He destroyed the former (tribe of) Ad, and the (tribe of) Thamud; He spared no (disbelieving criminal) among them. And the people of Noah before – surely they were further in wrongdoing and further in rebellion. (He also destroyed) the overthrown cities (of Lot’s people); so that there covered them that which covered. (at-Tur 53:45-54)
Noah’s Prayer Accepted – He And His Followers Saved
And Noah (just such a servant and warner) had called upon Us (for help), and how excellent We are in answering (prayer)! We saved him and (his true followers among) his family and people from the mighty distress. And We caused his offspring to endure (on the earth). And We left for him among later-comers (until the end of time, this greeting and remembrance of him and his Message): “Peace be upon Noah among all beings.” Thus do We reward those devoted to doing good as if seeing God. Surely he was one of Our truly believing servants. As for the others (who opposed him), We caused them to drown. (as-Saffat 37:75-82)
Relying On God And Being Grateful Only To Him
(They were among) the descendants of those whom We carried (in the Ark) with Noah. He surely was a servant greatly thankful. (al-Isra 17:3)
Destruction Of Generations
How many a generation have We (thus) destroyed after Noah! Your Lord suffices as one All-Aware and All-Seeing of the sins of His servants. (al-Isra 17:17)
The Pitiful End Of Peoples Who Denied Their Prophets
The (tribes) of Thamud and Ad denied the Sudden, Mighty Strike. Now as for the (tribe of) Thamud they were destroyed by the overwhelming (catastrophe). And the (tribe of) Ad they were destroyed with a furious, roaring windstorm, Which God made to prevail against them for seven nights and eight days, uninterruptedly, so that you could have seen people lying overthrown in it, as though they were hollow trunks of palm-trees. (al-Haqqah 69:4-7)
“Eat and drink to your hearts’ content for all that you sent ahead in advance in days past (in anticipation of this Day).” But as for him whose Record is given in his left hand, he will say: “Ah, would that I had never been given my Record, and that I had known nothing of my account! Oh, would that death had been (and nothing thereafter had followed). My wealth has availed me nothing, and all my authority (my power over all that I had) has gone from me!” (al-Haqqah 69:24-29)
The Tribe Of Thamud And Their End
The (tribe of) Thamud denied (the Divine Message and their Messenger, and displayed their denial) in their arrogant rebellion, (especially) when (finally) the most wicked among them (instigated by his people) rushed forward. The Messenger of God (Salih) said (warning them, and reminding them again of the terms of their pledge): “It is the she-camel of God, and observe her turn in drinking.” But they denied him and slaughtered her; and so their Lord crushed them for their sin, and leveled them (with the ground). And He (being the All-Knowing and All-Powerful and All-Just) does not fear the outcome (of events). (ash-Shams 91:11-15)