Pearls from the Qur’an (13)
Prophet Abraham ( peace be upon him )
Abraham’s Destroying Idols
And then he broke all of them to pieces except the one biggest in their sight, so that they might be able turn back to it (to ask what had happened)! “Who has done all this to our deities?” they exclaimed. “Indeed, he is one of the worst wrongdoers!” Some said: “We heard a young man make mention of them, who is called Abraham. “ They said: “Then bring him before the people’s eyes, so that they may bear witness against him!” “Abraham,” they asked, “is it you who have done this to our deities?” He answered: “Rather, (some doer) must have done it this is the biggest of them. Ask them, if they are able to speak!” So they turned to their conscious nature which awoke to truth, and said (among themselves): “You (we) it is you (we) who are the wrongdoers!” But afterwards (under the influence of the same factors causing them to disbelieve), they relapsed into their former way of believing, and said to Abraham: “You know very well that these (images) cannot speak.” (al-Anbiya 21:58-65)
Abraham was surely one who followed the same way as his. He had turned to his Lord with a heart sound and pure (from any trace of insincerity of faith). (Remember) when he said to his father and his people, “What is that you worship? “Is it a fabrication that you pursue, worshipping deities apart from God? “So, what do you think about the Lord of the worlds (that you dare to do so)?” Then (when invited to participate in the religious ceremonies of the people on a festival day) he cast a glance at the stars; And he said: “Indeed I am sick.” So they (the others) turned away from him and departed. Thereupon he approached their deities, and said, “Will you not eat (of the offerings put before you)? “What is the matter with you that you do not speak?” Then he fell upon them, striking them with his right hand (with all his strength). Then, the other people headed towards him hurriedly. He said: “Do you worship things that you yourselves have carved, “While it is God Who has created you and all that you do?” They (consulted among themselves and) said: “Build him a pyre and throw him into the blazing flames!” So they intended a scheme against him (to destroy him), but We made them the ones brought low. And he said: “Now I am going to my Lord (to quit my homeland purely for His sake, in the full conviction that) He will guide me (to a land where I will be able to worship Him freely). (as-Saffat 37:83-99)
Abraham Being Thrown Into Fire
They exclaimed: “Burn him and so protect your deities, if you really mean to do something!” “O fire,” We ordered, “Be cool and peaceful for Abraham!” (al-Anbiya 21:68-69)
Frustration Of Those Who Wanted To Scheme Against Abraham
They had schemed to destroy him, but We frustrated them, making them the worst of losers. (al-Anbiya 21:70)
Abraham’s Prayer For a Righteous Generation
“Our Lord! I have settled some of my offspring (Ishmael and his descendants) in an uncultivable valley near Your Sacred House, so that, our Lord, they may establish the Prayer; so make the hearts of people incline towards them, and provide them with the produce of earth (by such means as trade), so that they may give thanks (constantly from the heart and in speech, and in action by fulfilling Your commandments). (Ibrahim 14:37)
Abraham’s Honored Guests
Has there come to you report of Abraham’s honored guests? They presented themselves before him and bade him peace. He said (in returning their greeting) “Peace!” (and thought:) A people unknown. He withdrew to his household and brought a (roast of) fatted calf. He placed it before them, and said: “Will you not eat?” (When he saw that they did not eat) he became apprehensive of them. They said: “Do not be apprehensive!” They gave him the glad tidings of (the birth of) a son to be endowed with profound knowledge. Then his wife came forward, groaning, and struck her forehead, saying: “How shall I bear a child, (being) a barren old woman?” (adh-Dhariyat 51:24-29)
Abraham’s Attempt To Sacrifice His Son Ishmael
(And he prayed): “My Lord, Grant me (the gift of a child who will be) one of the righteous.” So We gave him the glad tidings of a boy (who was to grow as one) mild and forbearing. Then, when (his son) grew alongside him to the age of striving (for the necessities of life), he said: “O my dear son! I have seen in my dream that I should offer you in sacrifice. So think about this and tell me your view!” He said (unhesitatingly): “O my dear father! Do as you are commanded. You will find me, by God’s will, one of those who show steadfast patience (in obeying God’s commands).” Then when both had submitted to God’s will, and Abraham had laid him down on the side of his forehead, (at just that moment,) We called out to him: “O Abraham! You have already fulfilled the dream (which tested your loyal obedience to the command; so you no longer have to offer your son in sacrifice). Thus do We reward those devoted to doing good as if seeing God.” Behold, all this was indeed a trial, clear. And We ransomed him with a sacrifice tremendous in worth. And We left for him among later-comers (until the end of time this greeting and remembrance of him and his Message): “Peace be upon Abraham.” Thus do We reward those devoted to doing good as if seeing God. (as-Saffat 37:100-110)
Praise For Abraham, Moses, And Aaron
Surely he was one of Our truly believing servants. We gave him the glad tidings of Isaac, to be a Prophet among the righteous. We showered Our blessings on both him (Ishmael) and on Isaac; and among the offspring of both, there have been those devoted to doing good, aware that God is seeing them, and those who have plainly been wronging themselves (by sinning). We assuredly bestowed Our favor also upon Moses and Aaron; and We saved them and their people from the mighty distress (of slavery and persecution); and We helped them, so they became the victors. And We granted them both (Moses and Aaron) the clear Book (which explained the matters that had been secret, and which the people needed for the happiness of their life in both worlds). We showed them the Straight Path (enabling them to follow it in every matter without any deviance), And We left for them among later-comers (until the end of time, this greeting and remembrance of them and their Message): “Peace be upon Moses and Aaron.” Thus do We reward those devoted to doing good as if seeing God. Surely those two were among Our truly believing servants. (as-Saffaat 37:111-122)
Abraham, A Community On His Own
Abraham was an exemplary leader, (whose self-dedication to the good of his community made him) as if a community, sincerely obedient to God as a man of pure faith (free from any stain of unbelief and hypocrisy), and he was not of those who associate partners with God. Always thankful for His favors. He (God) chose him, and guided him to a straight path (to follow himself, and to guide others). We granted him good in the world, and he is surely among the righteous in the Hereafter. (an-Nahl 16:120-122)
Abraham’s Ordeal
Remember that his Lord tested Abraham with commands and ordeals (such as his being thrown into a fire, the destruction of the people of his kinsman, Lot, and his being ordered to sacrifice his son, Ishmael), and he fulfilled them thoroughly. He said: “Indeed I will make you an imam for all people.” He (Abraham) pleaded: “(Will You appoint imams) also from my offspring?” He (his Lord) answered:” (I will appoint from among those who merit it. But) My covenant does not include the wrongdoers.” (al-Baqarah 2:124)
The Prayer Of Abraham And Ishmael
And when Abraham, and Ishmael with him, raised the foundations of the House (they were praying): “Our Lord! Accept (this service) from us. Surely You are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. (al-Baqarah 2:127)