The Prophet Muhammad’s Daily Prayers (14)
The Prayer to be Made During Condolences:
The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) prayed during a condolence visit and advised the relatives of the deceased to be patient and to expect their reward from God.
“What God takes is His, and what He gives is His. Everything has a limited time with Him.”
The prayer to be made when feeling uncomfortable:
When the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) was asked by a companion what to do when a part of his body was in pain, he advised him to place his hand on the painful area, recite ‘Bismillah’ (In the Name of God) three times, and then recite the following prayer. After completing the prayer, he was instructed to raise his hand, then place it back on the painful area, and repeat the prayer seven times.
The prayer is as follows:
“Bismillah, bismillah, bismillah. I seek refuge in the might and power of God from the evil of what I am experiencing and from the pain I am feeling.”