The Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Daily Prayers

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         After performing the Morning Prayer, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) says:

         “O God! Peace is from You, and peace and safety are Yours. You are Most High, and Your goodness and blessings are limitless, O the Possessor of Majesty and Generosity!”

         I declare God free from all imperfections. All praise, compliments, and lordship over the worlds belong to God. There is no deity but God. God is the Greatest. Power and might, the Exalted and Mighty, belong to God.”

When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) wakes up, he recites the following prayers

            All praise is due to God who gives us life after causing us to die, and to Him is the final return. There is no deity worthy of worship except You; I declare You free from all imperfections. O God! I seek forgiveness from You for my sins and ask for Your mercy.”

            O God! Increase my knowledge, and after guiding me, do not let my heart deviate from the truth. Bestow upon me Your mercy from Your own grace, for indeed, You are the Most Generous Bestower.”

When the Prophet of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) enters the toilet, he recites the following prayers

            “O God! I seek refuge in You from the impure male and female creatures and from all sources of impurity and evil.”

            “O God! I seek refuge in You from the male and female devils among the jinn.”

When leaving the toilet, the Prophet of Muhammad (pbuh) recites the following prayers

            “(O God!) I seek Your forgiveness. All praise is due to God who has allowed me to taste the sweetness of His blessing, preserving its strength within me and removing any discomfort.”

            (Or:) All praise is due to God who has relieved me of any discomfort and granted me well-being.”

            O God! Cleanse my heart from hypocrisy, and protect my honor and chastity from indecency.”

When going to the mosque, the Prophet recites the following prayers

            “In the Name of God; I believe in God; I rely on God; strength and power are with God alone. O God! I seek Your protection from the fire and ask You to admit me to Paradise. I come to You with prayers and supplications. My purpose in coming is not for arrogance, extravagance, or to show off to others. I come seeking Your pleasure and protection from Your wrath.”

            “O God! Grant light to my heart, tongue, eyes, and ears. Bestow light on my right, behind, in front, above, and below me. Designate a light for me; in my nerves, flesh, blood, hair, and skin. Illuminate me from head to toe. Increase my light, O God!”

When the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) desired to marry, he would perform a two-unit Prayer and supplicate as follows

            “O God ! Surely, You know, and I do not. You are the Knower of the unseen. If, in Your knowledge, (mentioning the person’s name) is better for my religion, my worldly life, and my Hereafter, then decree her for me. But if someone else is better for me in my religion, my worldly life, and my Hereafter, then decree her for me.”

the prophet muhammads daily prayers

When the Prophet lost something, he would perform ablution, offer two units of prayer, and then supplicate as follows

            “In the Name of God. O You who guide those who are astray, O You who bring back what is lost! For the sake of Your majesty and sovereignty, return to me what I have lost, as it is from Your grace and bounty.”

            “O God, the One who returns lost things and guides those who are astray! You bring those who are in error to guidance. For the sake of Your power and sovereignty, return to me what I have lost, as it is from Your grace and bounty.”

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