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A Believer is Devoted to His Brothers

“A believer is devoted to his brothers”1 When Ja’far ibn Abi Talib was martyred in the Battle of Mu’tah, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) was deeply saddened and may have even shed tears, but he accepted the martyrdom of

The Messenger of God( pbuh ) and Beauty

’ The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) replied, ‘God is beautiful and loves beauty. This is not arrogance. Arrogance is rejecting the truth and looking down upon others.’ (Muslim, Faith 39/147-149 (91); Tirmidhi, Virtue 61

Pearls from the Qur’an (6)

Warnings to the Wives of the Prophet O wives of the Prophet! You are not like any of the other women, provided that you keep from disobedience to God in reverence for Him and piety (and, therefore, act with awareness of your special

The Morality of the Prophet in Doing Good

The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) was adorned with the morals of the Qur’an, and the Qur’an described his character as “truly outstanding”1 His behavior generally reflected at least one verse of the Qur’an. For

Pearls from the Qur’an (5)

Allegiance to the Prophet Those who swear allegiance to you (O Messenger), swear allegiance to God only. God’s “hand” is over their hands. Whoever then breaks his oath, breaks his oath only to his own harm; and whoever fulfills what he

Neglected Sunnahs: “Simplicity”

Simplicity In today’s world, the frenzy of consumption has surpassed both simplicity and human values, threatening the environment and life itself. The pursuit of a more comfortable and luxurious life has not only polluted the lands and

Pearls from the Quran (4)

The Prophet to Wait Patiently and Worship So wait patiently for your Lord's judgment, for you are under Our Eyes (under Our care and protection); and glorify your Lord with His praise when you rise up (to pray); and in the night-time,

Pearls from the Qur’an (3)

The Prophet Calling People to the True Way Say (to them, O Messenger): "This is my way: I call to God on clear evidence and with sure knowledge I and those who follow me. All-Glorified is God (in that He is absolutely above having any