The First 15 Days of Ramadan

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Ramadan 1

The honorable Hamza was sent to Sayfu’l-Bahr. (After the Hijra 1)

In order to prevent external interference in the peace, tranquility, and security atmosphere established in Medina, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him), who did not want to be disturbed, started sending patrols to routes where potential dangers existed. The first of these patrols, named Sariyya (military expeditions in which the Prophet did not take part), was sent to Sayfu’l-Bahr. Leading the unit of 30 cavalrymen was the honorable Hamza, and for the first time in Islamic history, a banner was attached to this Sariyya.

The first Ramadan fast was observed in Islamic history. (AH 2)

When the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) arrived in Medina, he used to fast three days every month, especially on the day of Ashura. During those days, the trustworthy Gabriel would come with a new revelation.

When the state of revelation ended and the Prophet began to share with his Companions what had been revealed, the Companions learned that the command to fast during the days of Ramadan had come: ‘O you who have believed, decreed upon you is fasting as it was decreed upon those before you.’ (Qur’an, 2:183) With this command, fasting in Ramadan was made obligatory for all believers. As the crescent moon of Ramadan appeared, pre-dawn meals were taken, and when the calendars showed the first day of Ramadan in the second year of Hijra, the first obligatory fast was observed.

The return to Medina from the Battle of Muraysi. (AH 5)

The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) and his Companions, who intercepted the Mustaliq tribe intending to attack Medina in Muraysi, defeated them after about an hour-long battle. The hypocrites who participated in this expedition tried to stir up trouble at every opportunity they found, but when they failed, they resorted to slandering our honorable Mother Aisha on the return journey. Because of this, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) spent his fourth Ramadan under the shadow of the Ifk incident.

Women and children welcomed the Tabuk army with poems at the Farewell Summit. (AH 9)

Upon receiving news of the Byzantine preparations for an attack on Medina, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) formed an army and set out for Tabuk. Upon his return from the expedition, women and children, who hadn’t seen the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) for about two months, once again poured out onto the roads upon hearing of his return. In the moonlight that shone upon the Farewell Summit, they expressed their joy with poems and songs, welcoming him and his Companions in a festive atmosphere.

Upon reaching Medina, the Prophet immediately went to the Prophet’s Mosque, where he performed two units of Prayer in gratitude, and prayed, ‘All praise is due to God who has granted us reward and goodness in this expedition.’

Upon the return from the Tabuk expedition, the honorable Fatima, upon seeing the Prophet, immediately embraced him and began to kiss his blessed face. The reunion was beautiful, but upon closer inspection, she noticed that her father’s face had paled, his hair and beard were disheveled, and his clothes were torn. Our mother, who resembled her father greatly in compassion, experienced both joy and sorrow at the same time. Unable to control her emotions any longer, she began to cry uncontrollably. Seeing his daughter so upset, he also felt saddened, and it was left to him to console her, saying, ‘Don’t cry, my daughter! God has sent your father with such a mission that a day will come when he reaches every house made of stone and earth, every tent made of camel hair, sheep wool, or goat hair, with honor or disgrace, just as night and day reach them.’

Ramadan 2

The honorable Talha ibn Ubaydullah and the honorable Sa’id ibn Zayd were sent for reconnaissance. (AH 2)

In order to gather information about the caravan returning from Syria, which was the cause of the Battle of Badr, and to control it, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) sent the honorable Talha and Sa’id. These two Companions were unable to participate in the Battle of Badr as they were fulfilling this duty. Nevertheless, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) accepted them as part of the Companions of Badr and counted them as such.

Himyar Kings accepted Islam. (AH 9)

The Himyarites, who lived in and around the city of Zafar in the south of Yemen, were divided into small principalities under the domination of Abyssinia and the Sassanids. The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) sent the honorable Ayyash ibn Abi Rabi’a and the honorable Muhajir ibn Abi Umayya as envoys to invite them to Islam.

Initially, Harith ibn Abd Kulal, along with his brothers Nuaym, Shurahbil (Shurayh), Nu’man, Ma’fir, Hamdan, and other Himyarite kings, sent a letter to the Prophet declaring their conversion to Islam through Malik ibn Murarah al-Ruha’i.

Malik arrived in Medina during the month of Ramadan upon the return of the Prophet from the Tabuk expedition. The Prophet instructed Bilal al-Habashi to host and honor the envoy.

The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) was very pleased with the acceptance of Islam by the Himyarite kings. He also sent them a letter along with Malik ibn Murarah and Mu’adh ibn Jabal, urging them to obey God and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), perform Prayers, give one-fifth of the spoils of war as the right of God and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), collect zakat from Muslims, and jizya from Jews and Christians, and to treat their envoys kindly.

Ramadan 3

The honorable Fatima (at the age of 29/170 days later) passed away. (AH 11)

The beloved daughter of the Prophet, the honorable Fatima, was ill, and her condition was worsening day by day. The mother of the People of the House, aware of her condition, had received the news of this day from her dear father exactly six months earlier. She was prepared for the journey. During her illness, the honorable Asma bint Umays, the wife of the honorable Abu Bakr, who never left her alone, said to her:

‘I do not like the funeral ceremonies held for women. Women are wrapped in shrouds and carried away. Their body shapes become apparent, and people see them. Tomorrow, I feel ashamed at the thought of men being beside my body.’

Asma bint Umays understood the delicacy of the situation very well, as did the honorable Fatima’s manners and modesty. After a moment of silence, she said:

‘O daughter of the Messenger of God! (peace and blessings be upon him) Shall I show you something I saw in Abyssinia?’

Then she got up and immediately brought fresh palm leaves. She arranged them into a makeshift coffin and described to the honorable Fatima the coffin used by the Abyssinians for their deceased, placing clothes inside. The honorable Fatima was very pleased with this burial method. The epitome of modesty and manners, the lady of Paradise, her eyes gleamed, ‘How beautiful this is! When done this way, women are spared from the gaze of men. Just as you have covered me, may God also cover your sins.

Among the pure wives of the Prophet, our beloved Mother Umm Salama would often visit the honorable Fatima. As she looked upon this delicate flower, now pale and withering due to illness, she was reminded of the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) and endeavored not to neglect her service to his entrusted daughter.

One morning, when she came to the honorable Fatima, she found her in a different state than usual. Her pains had intensified, and her complexion had grown paler. It was evident that preparations for the journey to the beyond were underway. The honorable Fatima looked at Umm Salama and said,

‘Oh dear mother! Please pour water for me so that I may perform the ritual purification (ghusl).’

Mother Umm Salama immediately rose and made the necessary preparations, then helped the honorable Fatima perform the ritual purification. Afterwards, as if preparing to become a bride, the honorable Fatima requested new clothes:

Give me my new clothes so I can wear them!” After putting them on, she requested, “Would you please take me to my bed?” The honorable Umm Salama carefully took the honorable Fatima to her bed. She turned her face towards the Qibla and placed her hands under her cheeks. Before falling asleep, she looked at the honorable Umm Salama one last time.

“Mother!” she called out.

“Yes, my dear daughter?”

“Mother, I am dying. I am purified. Now, no one should uncover me.”

The honorable Fatima was already a pure flower. Yet, she made this reminder: “But I am purified. No one should uncover me.” She was going to her father. There was a slight smile on her lips, maybe because she had finally reunited with her beloved father, whom she had sought, awaited, and missed. She gently losed her eyes to this world.”

Ramadan 4

Brotherhood was established between the Muhajirun and the Ansar. (AH 1)

The arrival of the Meccan migrants in Medina had taken place. However, with this arrival, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) faced many problems that needed to be resolved. The migrants totaled one hundred and eighty-six families. Where would such a large number of people be accommodated as guests, and how would they sustain themselves? In order to solve this problem, the Prophet’s first step was to establish brotherhood (muakhat) bonds between the Muhajirun and the Ansar. With this practice, which was somewhat like creating a brotherly family, initially, the issue of housing for forty-five families and similar social problems were resolved. Gathering with his Companions in the house of Enes ibn Malik, he said to them, ‘For the sake of God, become brothers in pairs!’”

The concept of brotherhood that the Muslim community exhibited today to foster unity among its members was not merely a practice that emerged after the migration. Even during the years in Mecca, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) declared individuals like the honorable Zubayr ibn al-Awwam and the honorable Abdullah ibn Mas’ud as brothers, aiming to overcome all kinds of hardships with solidarity beyond mere brotherhood during these difficult times when conditions were at their toughest.

Ramadan 5

The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) married our mother Zaynab bint Khuzayma. (AH 3)

Our mother Zaynab bint Khuzayma was patient, kind-hearted, and had a gentle nature. Even before embracing Islam, she had a compassionate nature, protecting and caring for the poor. That’s why she was called ‘Mother of the Poor.’ The honorable Zaynab was from the powerful tribe of Amir ibn Sa’sa in Arabia. When her husband, the honorable Ubaydah ibn al-Harith, was martyred in the Battle of Badr, she became a widow.

In the third year of Hijra, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) sent a group of preachers to the tribe of Amir ibn Sa’sa to spread Islam. However, these preachers were treacherously ambushed and martyred, causing a rift between this tribe and the Muslims. The Prophet, the Sun of the Two Worlds, did not want hostilities to continue with this significant and powerful tribe. He waited for an opportunity to mend the relationship between them.

After becoming a widow, the honorable Zaynab bint Khuzayma received a marriage proposal. The honorable Zaynab appointed her uncle, Kabisa ibn Amr al-Hilali, as her representative. He then married Zaynab to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) with a dowry of four hundred silver dirhams.

At the time of their marriage, our mother Zaynab was 30 years old. Interestingly, Zaynab’s age at the time of her passing was the same as her age when she became the mother of the believers. This blessed marriage lasted only about 3 months.

Ramadan 6

He prayed for rain in Medina. (AH 6)

In Medina, drought had prevailed for days. In such situations, our Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) would pray and seek mercy from God. And God, in His greatness, never disregarded the supplication of His beloved Prophet. It was another such instance. It was a Friday. After the Prayer, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) raised his blessed hands and three times prayed, ‘O God, send us Your mercy!’ At that moment, among his Companions was the honorable Abu Lubaba. When the Prophet prayed, he knew that rain would come. If the rain fell heavily, it could flood the grain stores and ruin the dates. Concerned about this, he approached the Prophet and said, ‘O Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him), there are dates in the store. If it rains, we might suffer losses!’

The Prophet was praying for the general welfare, seeking rain from God but Abu Lubaba was thinking about his own dates. Recognizing his sincere and pure intention, the Prophet, as a jest, added the following to his Prayer in front of his Companions at a place near the mosque: ‘O my Lord, send rain until Abu Lubaba is forced to plug the holes in his store with his garment.’’

Before Abu Lubaba could say, “There are no clouds in the sky, O Messenger of God! (peace and blessings be upon him)” the sky darkened, lightning flashed, and rain began to pour down heavily.

In a short time, everywhere was filled with water. Abu Lubaba was in a hurry. The Companions gathered around him and said, “O Abu Lubaba, this rain will not stop until you do what the Messenger of God said.” Eventually, Abu Lubaba reached a point where he couldn’t find anything to plug in the open parts of the date store. Finally, he took off his garment from his back and began to plug the places where water was entering. Thus, the rain stopped.

Ramadan 7

Uncle Abu Talib passed away. (Year of the Prophethood 10)

Uncle Abu Talib, who had always been supportive of the Prophet before and after the Prophethood, fell ill. His age had advanced significantly, and it seemed that this illness would lead him to depart to the eternal realm. News of his illness spread quickly in Mecca, and the number of visitors coming to see him increased day by day.

Among those visitors was the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) himself. He wished for his uncle to at least utter the declaration of faith (the Shahada) and pass away in a state of belief. However, faith is a matter of the Divine decree. Even a Prophet cannot keep anyone steadfast on guidance unless it is willed by God nor can he privilege anyone with this path without Divine intervention.

Meanwhile, leaders of disbelief also came to visit his uncle. The Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) began to approach the bedside of Abu Talib. Another close uncle, however, swiftly moved forward and occupied the space intended for the Prophet. His intention was to prevent the Master of the Messengers (peace and blessings be upon him) from influencing Abu Talib in his final moments and inviting him to Islam.

Even in the throes of Abu Talib’s illness, disbelief persisted, staunchly refusing any hint of faith. There was no tolerance even for the compassionate gazes of the Prophet towards his uncle. At every opportunity, the Prophet would appeal to him to embrace faith. In essence, even in Abu Talib’s final moments, the struggle between faith and disbelief was at its peak.

“O Abu Talib! Are you forsaking the religion of Abdul-Muttalib?” they asked.

“No. I remain upon the religion of Abdul-Muttalib,” Abu Talib replied.

Now, closer to death, Abu Talib was closing his eyes to life in this state.

Ramadan 8

The delegation of Banu Ghamid arrived in Medina. (AH 10)

The delegation of Banu Ghamid, descendants of Kahtan, one of the Azd tribes, arrived in Medina in the 10th year of Hijri, during the month of Ramadan, to meet the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). There were ten members in the delegation. They descended at Baqi al-Gharqad and were dressed in their finest attire. Later, they went to meet the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). They had left behind the youngest among them to tend to their belongings and animals, but he had fallen asleep. Taking advantage of this, a thief came and stole a bag containing clothes from one of the representatives.

Meanwhile, the delegation of Banu Ghamid came before the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and expressed their acceptance of Islam. The Prophet then informed them that while they were away, one of their members had fallen asleep and a thief had stolen a bag. However, he assured them that the stolen bag would be returned to them. Upon reaching their lodging and finding everything exactly as the Prophet had described, they were astonished and reaffirmed their belief in the prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

The Prophet entrusted the honorable Ubay ibn Ka’b with the task of teaching Islam and the Qur’an to the newly converted delegation. Afterwards, the delegation returned to their homeland.

The first 15 days of ramadan

Ramadan 9

The delegation from Taif arrived in Medina. (AH 9)

After the Battle of Hunayn, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had besieged Taif for a while and later lifted the siege, preferring that the people of Taif embrace Islam of their own free will. During the siege, Urwa ibn Mas’ud, who was in Juraysh learning about the manufacturing and use of certain weapons, returned after the siege was over and learned about the events in Taif. The Prophet’s stance towards the people of Taif had deeply impressed Urwa ibn Mas’ud, and in the ninth year of Hijra, during the month of Rabi’ al-Awwal, he came to Medina and embraced Islam. His conversion brought great joy to the Prophet. Urwa expressed his desire to go back to his people and invite them to Islam, claiming that he had never seen anything like Islam among previous religions. Despite knowing the arrogance and animosity of the people of Taif, he believed that they honorable and trusted him, seeing his return as a chance to present Islam to them. When he asked for permission from the Prophet to go, the Prophet warned him that they might kill him. Urwa, confident in his relationship with his people, insisted that they valued him greatly and wouldn’t harm him. Eventually, the Prophet granted him permission, acknowledging his determination to spread Islam.

Taking into account his position among his people, the honorable Urwa departed from Medina with great hope and returned to Taif. The people of Taif immediately noticed the change in him, as he entered his home without visiting the idols first. They speculated among themselves that perhaps the journey had prevented him from visiting the idols. They followed him to his house and greeted him with the traditional pre-Islamic greeting. The honorable Urwa advised them to greet with “Assalamu alaykum,” the greeting of the people of Paradise and then invited them to Islam. Not content with rejecting his invitation, the people of Taif martyred him the next day while he was addressing the public. After some time, they regretted their actions and sent a delegation of 15 people to Medina to meet with the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Despite being polytheists, the Prophet hosted them as guests in a tent set up inside the Mosque of the Prophet.

Ramadan 10

On the 10th of Ramadan, the honorable Khadijah passed away (in the 10th year of the Prophethood).

After her marriage, the honorable Khadijah had always been by the side of the Prophet, facing numerous trials and tribulations together. Her body had become weary and she had fallen ill. It was during the years of the boycott. The Prophet went to visit his ailing wife in the tent where she was staying. When he opened the curtain and saw the honorable Khadijah writhing in pain, it deeply touched him. The once wealthy woman, the honorable Khadijah, had become frail and thin, bearing the hardships of exile. She had passed through life prematurely, awakened to the truth early on, and now, after entrusting her two children into the hands of destiny, she was departing to meet them ahead of time.

It was a sight that deeply wounded the Sultan of Mercy and Compassion (peace and blessings be upon him). Tears welled up in his eyes, streaming down his blessed cheeks, wetting his noble beard.

He was overcome with a flood of emotions, and with lips trembling, he began to express his gratitude, struggling to find words to convey the depth of his feelings:

“On the contrary, O Khadijah, you were not meant to endure such trials! It was only because of your unwavering support and unwavering companionship with me that you had to endure these hardships and live a life devoid of comfort commensurate with your status. But remember, God always intends abundant good behind every difficulty and hardship!”

And on that day, our Mother passed away, her head resting on the blessed knees of the Prophet. She left behind all her sorrows in this world and transitioned to the eternal realm, where palaces and mansions awaited her.

The march from Medina to Mecca for its conquest (AH 8)

The people of Mecca had violated the treaty of Hudaybiyya by betraying Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and killing 23 members of the Huzaa tribe who were in alliance with him. In response, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) set out from Medina with an army of approximately 12,000 soldiers, while observing fasting. However, he desired to enter Mecca without shedding blood, and to prevent news of the expedition from leaking, scouts were positioned on mountain tops. As the army moved, units were sent to different regions to conceal the purpose of their journey. The noble Companions were unaware of the destination, as Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) often kept the objectives of his expeditions confidential for various reasons.

Ramadan 11

The delegation of the Banu Bajil tribe came to Medina (AH 10)

The Banu Bajil tribe, living a Bedouin life, had engaged in wars not only with neighboring tribes but also among themselves, sometimes splitting into various factions and dispersing to different regions, where they joined other tribes. Like other Arab tribes, the Banu Bajil were idolaters, worshiping their own idols as well as the idol Zulhalasa of their brothers from the Has’am tribe.

In the month of Ramadan of the 10th year after Hijra, a delegation of 150 members from the Banu Bajil tribe came to Medina and declared their acceptance of Islam after meeting with the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Another faction of the Banu Bajil tribe, known as the Ahmasilis, also arrived in Medina during those days with a delegation of 250 members, expressing their loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Both delegations were presented with gifts, and Abu Sufyan was appointed to collect the tribe’s zakat (charitable donations).

Ramadan 12

The Muslims set out from Medina to intercept the Quraysh caravan carrying the unlawfully seized properties of the Muslims (AH 2)

The Quraysh had seized the properties and belongings left behind by the Muhajirun in Mecca. Among these were items they deemed valuable for trade, which they intended to take to Damascus to sell for profit. In short, they were planning to strike the Muslims once again with their property. Therefore, the Quraysh caravan led by Abu Sufyan, heading to Damascus, needed to be intercepted to prevent them from carrying out their deceitful plans.

To counter this threat, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted to assemble an army. Everyone in Medina, young and old alike, sought to partake in this honor, even those who could be considered children. Therefore, the Prophet would address those who wanted to accompany him, such as Abdullah ibn Umar, Usama ibn Zayd, Rafi’ ibn Hadij, Bara’ ibn Azib, Usayd ibn Hudayr, Zayd ibn Arqam, Zayd ibn Thabit, and Umayr ibn Abi Waqqas, who despite being young, expressed their desire to join. He would request them to return home.

Then, one Sunday evening, the Prophet set out from a place called Suqya. They had only two horses and seventy camels with them. They traveled by taking turns riding. The Prophet, the Master of Masters (peace and blessings be upon him), was no different from his Companions; he took turns riding the same camel with the honorable Ali and Abu Lubaba. The honorable Ali and Abu Lubaba insisted, saying:

You ride, O Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him)! We can walk alongside you.

But he (peace and blessings be upon him) refused this offer, saying:

Neither are you stronger than me in walking, nor do I need the promised reward less than you do.

While the main objective of setting out was to track the Quraysh caravan, at every step, the Companions encountered new and original strategies. As they marched towards the route where the caravan would pass, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) sent Basbas ibn Amr and Adiyy ibn Abi Zaghba as the advance force. Their task was to reach the specified location and inform the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and the Companions of any developments. At the same time, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) prayed for those who embarked on this journey with him:

“O God! These people are barefoot; grant them strength and endurance against the hardships of the journey! They lack clothing; clothe them! They have no food; feed them! And these people are poor; enrich them with Your abundance and generosity!”

Ramadan 13

The Hamdan delegation arrived in Medina and embraced Islam (AH 9)

With the help of God, the obstacles posed by the Meccans and the Hawazin tribe in the way of people and tribes using their free will to embrace Islam were removed. As a result, delegations representing various tribes from all over the Arabian Peninsula began flocking to Medina. One of these delegations was the delegation of the Hamdan tribe, descendants of Kahtan. Among them were Dımam ibn Malik, Malik ibn Namat, Malik ibn Afya’, Umra ibn Malik, and Hamza ibn Malik. They came to Medina to meet with the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) upon returning from Tabuk during the month of Ramadan. Among them, Malik ibn Namat was a poet who expressed their intentions to embrace Islam and their loyalty to the Prophet Muhammad through poetry. After he finished his poem, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “The Hamdan tribe is indeed noble as long as they rush to aid and show patience in times of difficulty.” Then, with the testimony of the emigrants and the Ansar, he had a letter written regarding the use of certain lands for them. He appointed Malik ibn Namat as the governor of the Hamdan tribe.

Ramadan 14

There was a consultation in Zafiran regarding whether to intercept the caravan or confront the Quraysh army (AH 2)

Setting out for Medina to intercept the Quraysh caravan carrying goods that had been unlawfully taken from Muslims and intended to finance a war against them, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) camped in Zafiran.

During this time, he received news that the Meccans had dispatched a fully equipped army to protect the caravan, and Abu Sufyan had altered the route. Before proceeding further, he wanted to consult his Companions on the latest developments. They had set out to intercept the caravan, but now faced the risk of confrontation with a large Meccan army marching towards them, potentially for battle. He asked them whether they should pursue the caravan or confront the Quraysh army. His inclination was to confront the Quraysh army, as there was a high risk that while they were chasing the caravan, Abu Jahl might attack Medina with his army. Some of them, who had not set out with the intention of engaging in battle, preferred to continue pursuing the caravan. Sensing that the Prophet did not favor this suggestion, the honorable Miqdad ibn Amr stood up and said, “O Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him)! Fulfill what God has commanded. We are with you. By God, we will not say to you what the Children of Israel said to Moses, ‘You and your Lord go and fight, we will stay here!’ If you lead us to Bark al-Ghamad, we will march with you and fight before you!” Upon hearing Miqdad’s refusal to back down, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) sought to know the opinion of the Ansar, as they had pledged to protect him within the confines of Medina. Sa’d ibn Muadh then spoke up and said, “O Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him)! Do as you please!

By the One who has sent you as the true Prophet, if you were to plunge into this sea and call us to join you, none of us would hesitate to follow! Lead us towards the blessings of God!” The courage and loyalty of his Companions greatly pleased the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). Turning to them, he said, “March forth towards the blessings of God! God has promised me victory over one of the two groups…”

Ramadan 15

The grandson of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), the honorable Hasan, was born (AH 3)

The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) closely attended to his daughter, the honorable Fatima, upon learning of her pregnancy. As her due date approached, his attention grew even more. He frequently visited her home, inquiring about her well-being and offering prayers. During his last visit, he instructed those present to inform him as soon as Fatima went into labor and warned them not to do anything for the child before his arrival. After Fatima gave birth, the midwife cut the baby’s umbilical cord and wrapped the child in a piece of cloth, as she always did. The cloth she used was yellow. Upon hearing the news of his daughter’s delivery, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) wasted no time and immediately went to see them. He first inquired about his daughter’s condition, to which the midwife responded that she was doing very well and had a healthy delivery. Then the midwife reported that she had cut the baby’s umbilical cord and wrapped him in a yellow cloth. Caught up in the excitement of the birth, she had forgotten the Prophet’s instructions. Upon realizing the situation, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said, “You did not heed my words!” The midwife, feeling regretful and ashamed, sought refuge in God from disobeying Him and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him), saying, “I seek refuge in God from disobeying God and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him). I only cut the umbilical cord, I did nothing else, O Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him)!” Without saying anything else, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) instructed, “Bring him to me.” Taking the child in his arms, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) first

removed the yellow cloth and wrapped the baby in a white cloth. Then, he moistened his mouth with saliva to give the child his first nourishment. When the honorable Hasan came into the world, it was the fifteenth of Ramadan in the third year after the Hijra.

A 15-member delegation from the Banu Thaqif tribe, arriving from Taif, embraced Islam. (AH 9)

The Thaqif envoys arrived in Medina during the ninth year of the Hijri calendar, specifically in the month of Ramadan. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), wanting to accommodate them, sought to pitch a tent for them inside the Mosque of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him). However, some of the Companions expressed concerns, citing their polytheistic beliefs, and felt uneasy about their presence in the mosque. They argued that, in such a state, they should not be allowed to stay in the mosque.

In response to the objections raised, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) stated, “The earth does not become impure by anything.” Upon hearing this, Mughira ibn Shu’ba, who belonged to the Thaqif tribe, offered to host them at his own home. However, the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), who did not share the same opinion as Mughira, replied, “I do not prevent you from hosting your people, but host them in a place where they can listen to the Qur’an.”

In this way, the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) wanted them to personally experience, feel, and immerse themselves in the spiritual atmosphere brought by Ramadan. Indeed, it was not long before the entire delegation, including prominent figures such as Abu Mihjan, Atiyya ibn Sufyan, Said ibn Rabia, and Sufyan ibn Abdullah, were influenced by the exemplary way of life they witnessed and embraced Islam. Subsequently, carrying the spirit and enthusiasm they received from the Messenger of God (peace and blessings be upon him) and the noble Companions to Taif, this blessed delegation became instrumental in the entire Thaqif tribe, consisting of approximately ten thousand people, embracing Islam.

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