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The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

A Believer Possesses Noble Character

The Most Perfect Of Believers Many hadiths, such as “The most perfect of believers in terms of faith are those who have the best character. The best among you is the one who is most beneficial to his family.”1 “The best among you is

Night of Qadr Prayer

Night of Qadr The respected Aisha was deeply devoted to the Qur’an and the Sunnah. She was very conscientious about fulfilling the rights of what God and His Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) commanded and evaluating the

The Prophet Muhammad’s Daily Prayers (9)

Prayer after eating Prayer after eating, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) used to say the following prayers: -ﺍَﻟْﺤَﻤْﺪُ ﻟِﻠَّﻪِ ﺍﻟَّﺬِﻱ ﺃَﻃْﻌَﻤَﻨِﻲ ﻫٰﺬَﺍ ﻭَﺭَﺯَﻗَﻨِﻴﻪِ ﻣِﻦْ ﻏَﻴْﺮِ ﺣَﻮْﻝٍ ﻣِﻨِّﻲ ﻭَﻻَ ﻗُﻮَّﺓٍ