Ramadan The Importance of Ramadan in the Prophet Muhammad’s ﷺ Life Ramadan, the Sultan of the eleven months, the month of blessings and forgiveness, comes from the word “ar-ramadi”!-->…
Articles The Birth of Muhammad ﷺ (The Happy Birth) Abdul Muttalib’s trust in Allah and what had happened to Abraha’s army had become tales that people would tell each…
Articles Like Father, Like Son: Connecting Adam to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ The objective of the article is to explore some of the connections between the story of Adam and the people of…
Sunnah Eating Habits and Time: Science and Sunnah “The things that I fear most for my people are being overweight, sleeping too much, laziness and a lack of deep!-->!-->…
Q&A Does the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Need Our Invocations? As God already gives His peace and blessings to the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, what is the wisdom in our invoking God’s!-->…
Sunnah Blue Light, Daytime Sleep, and the Prophetic Tradition Sleep is a blessing from God. Humans spend around one third of their lives sleeping. Sleep is essential for the!-->…
Mecca Days The Boycott: How the Prophet (pbuh) and Early Muslims Responded to the Oppression When some of the earliest Muslims faced a devastating boycott, Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) turned not to!-->!-->…
Q&A Was the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Unlettered throughout His Life? Or did he-the one for whom veils were lifted with the verse "Read!", and thus who could read the mysteries of the!-->…
Books A Prophet for Our Time: Book Review Karen Armstrong When Karen Armstrong was asked to make a wish as one of the 2008 TED prize winners, she wished!-->!-->!-->…
Articles Understanding the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ Beyond the Stereotypes “None of the great figures of history is so poorly appreciated in the West as Muhammad.”W. Montgomery Watt !-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…